Zinnia, Cut & Come Again Mix (Organic)


Zinnia elegans

Approx: 20 seeds

Zinnia Cut & Come Again Mix is a vibrant and easy-to-grow flower that produces an abundance of blooms throughout the growing season. These seeds produce plants that grow up to 30 inches in height and produce a mix of brightly colored, double and semi-double flowers that are perfect for cutting and bringing indoors. Zinnias are known for their long-lasting blooms, which can persist even after the first frost, making them an excellent choice for extending the beauty of your garden into the fall. This mix includes a variety of colors, including pink, orange, yellow, red, and purple, ensuring that there is a bloom to suit any taste. Zinnias are tolerant of a range of soil types and can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Simply sow the seeds directly into well-drained soil after the last frost and water regularly until the plants are established. Order your Zinnia Cut & Come Again Mix seeds today and enjoy a stunning display of colorful and long-lasting blooms in your garden!