Moss, Train Track


Thelia hirtella

Introducing Train Track Moss (Thelia hirtella), a distinctive and visually striking moss species that adds a touch of natural elegance to your terrarium or vivarium. With its unique growth pattern and resilient nature, Train Track Moss creates a captivating and dynamic element within enclosed ecosystems. Whether you're an experienced terrarium enthusiast or new to the hobby, this moss species offers an exciting and versatile option for enhancing the beauty and ecological balance of your terrarium setup. Explore the distinctive features and benefits of Train Track Moss and embark on a journey to create a truly unforgettable terrarium landscape!

Key Features:

  1. Unique Growth Pattern: Train Track Moss is named for its fascinating growth habit, which resembles the parallel lines of a railroad track. The moss forms dense mats of intricately branched stems, creating a visually striking and dynamic element within terrarium landscapes. Its architectural form adds depth and texture to terrarium surfaces, transforming ordinary spaces into captivating miniature worlds.

  2. Resilient Nature: Train Track Moss is exceptionally hardy and adaptable to a wide range of terrarium conditions. It thrives in moist, shaded environments, but can also tolerate periods of dryness and low light levels. This resilience makes it an ideal choice for terrarium enthusiasts seeking low-maintenance greenery that can withstand fluctuating environmental conditions.

  3. Aesthetic Appeal: With its lush green foliage and intricate growth pattern, Train Track Moss adds a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to terrarium landscapes. Whether used as a ground cover, accent plant, or focal point, its unique texture and form create an eye-catching centerpiece for terrarium enthusiasts and observers alike.

  4. Ecological Benefits: Train Track Moss plays a vital role in terrarium ecosystems by absorbing excess moisture, reducing soil erosion, and providing habitat for small invertebrates. Its presence enhances the overall health and stability of terrarium environments, creating a harmonious and sustainable habitat for plant and animal inhabitants alike.

  5. Versatile Use: Train Track Moss is suitable for a variety of terrarium setups, including tropical, temperate, and arid environments. Whether used in vivariums, paludariums, or miniature landscapes, its adaptability and versatility make it a valuable addition to any terrarium collection.


  • Growth Habit: Dense mats with parallel branching
  • Color: Vibrant green
  • Habitat: Terrestrial; thrives in moist, shaded environments
  • Growth Rate: Moderate to fast, under optimal conditions


  • Unique Aesthetic: Train Track Moss adds a distinctive and visually striking element to terrarium landscapes, creating a captivating focal point for observers and terrarium inhabitants.

  • Resilient Nature: This moss species is highly adaptable and can thrive in a wide range of terrarium conditions, making it an excellent choice for terrarium enthusiasts seeking low-maintenance greenery.

  • Ecological Functionality: Train Track Moss contributes to the overall health and stability of terrarium ecosystems by absorbing excess moisture, reducing soil erosion, and providing habitat for beneficial microorganisms.

  • Versatility: Whether used as a ground cover, accent plant, or focal point, Train Track Moss adds depth and texture to terrarium landscapes, allowing for endless creative possibilities in terrarium design.

Enhance Your Terrarium with Train Track Moss:

Elevate your terrarium landscape with the captivating beauty of Train Track Moss. Its unique growth pattern, resilient nature, and ecological benefits make it an invaluable asset to any terrarium setup. Discover the enchanting allure of Train Track Moss and create a dynamic and unforgettable terrarium landscape that captivates the imagination and inspires wonder!