Lettuce, Paris Island Cos (Organic)


Lactuca sativa

Approx: 150 seeds

Paris Island Cos Lettuce seeds are a must-have for any home gardener or market grower. This heirloom variety is prized for its delicate, crisp leaves and mild, slightly sweet flavor. The Paris Island Cos Lettuce is a classic lettuce that has been enjoyed for generations, and is a staple in many traditional European and Mediterranean salads. The compact, tightly rosetted heads of this lettuce are slow to bolt, making them an ideal choice for planting in both the spring and fall. With its dark green leaves and tight, compact heads, Paris Island Cos Lettuce is an attractive addition to any garden, and will provide you with a bountiful harvest of fresh, crisp greens. These seeds are easy to grow, and are a great choice for container gardens, raised beds, or traditional in-ground gardens. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, Paris Island Cos Lettuce seeds are a must-have for any home garden.