Snowball White Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) – Live Freshwater Shrimp for Aquariums, Planted Tanks, and Bioactive Setups



Neocaridina davidi

Beginner, please visit your local pet store!

100% live arrival guarantee

For DOA refunds:  Photo is required

Note: The shrimp are shipped with a sponge. The shrimp may bury themselves inside of this during shipping, so please make sure to check for shrimp in the sponge before throwing it away!

Domestic shipping only!  Sorry, we cannot ship to anyone in Hawaii & Washington State.

Note: Shrimp can live in the shipping box 2 weeks / 14 days + They can handle COLD!

When you receive the shrimp, if the water is very cold, let them sit in the open shipping box for 2 hours before you put them in the tank.

Slowly warming them up is very important! 

Note:  Shrimp are very hard to count.  Please put them in a small container, then count them!


Water Parameters:
pH 6.5 - 7.5
gH 6 - 12
kH 0 - 10
TDS 250 - 350
Temperature 68 – 78F